_sw578_ Stormtrooper (Printed Legs, Blue Helmet Vents) (nome su Bricklink)
Stormtrooper (p. 62, Character Encyclopedia - DK 2011)
Related minifigs:
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Set(s) of appearance:
75053-1 The Ghost (2014 - SWR) | 913 p. (inv) 4 minifig: Zeb Orrelios _sw575_, Hera Syndulla _sw576_, Kanan Jarrus _sw577_, Stormtrooper (Printed Legs, Blue Helmet Vents) _sw578_ (
sw575, sw576, sw577, sw578,
75078-1 Imperial Troop Transport (2015 - SWR) | 125 p. (inv) 4 minifig: 2x Stormtrooper (Printed Legs, Dark Azure Helmet Vents) _sw578_, 2x Stormtrooper (Printed Legs, Dark Azure Helmet Vents, Frown) _sw617_ (
sw578, sw617,
75083-1 AT-DP (2015 - SWR) | 483 p. (inv) 4 minifig: Stormtrooper (Printed Legs, Dark Azure Helmet Vents) _sw578_, 2x AT-DP Pilot _sw624_, Agent Kallus _sw625_ (
sw578, sw624, sw625,
75090-1 Ezra's Speeder Bike (2015 - SWR) | 241 p. (inv) 3 minifig: Ezra Bridger (75090) _sw574_, Stormtrooper (Printed Legs, Dark Azure Helmet Vents) _sw578_, Sabine Wren (75090) _sw616_ (
sw574, sw578, sw616,
4 total