_sw073_ Gonk Droid (GNK Power Droid) (nome su Bricklink)
GNK droid (p. 72, Character Encyclopedia - DK 2011)
Related minifigs:
GNK droid,
Notes to "Character Encyclopedia - DK 2011": ...
Set(s) of appearance:
4480-1 Jabba's Palace (2003 - Ep. VI) | 234 p. (inv) 6 minifig: Princess Leia (Jabba Slave with Neck Bracket with Back Stud) _sw070_, Jabba the Hutt (Complete Assembly) _sw071_, EV-9D9 _sw072_, Gonk Droid (GNK Power Droid) _sw073_, B'Omarr Monk (Complete Assembly) _sw074_, Luke Skywalker (Jabba's Palace) _sw079_ (
sw070, sw071, sw072, sw073, sw074, sw079,
10144-1 Sandcrawler (2005 - Ep. IV) | 1669 p. (inv) 11 minifig: C-3PO - Pearl Light Gold _sw010_, R2-D2 _sw028_, Gonk Droid (GNK Power Droid), Bluish Grays - Set 10144 _sw073a_, Owen Lars _sw140_, 3x Jawa _sw141_, R5-D4 (10144) _sw142_, ASP Droid _sw145_, Treadwell Droid _sw146_, R1-G4 _sw147_ (
sw010, sw028, sw073a, sw140, sw141, sw142, sw145, sw146, sw147,
2 total